Garden Tour: Bar Harbor Garden Club
Date and Time
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT10 am to 4 pm on July 15, 2023
Bar Harbor on Mount Desert Island
$40 to $45
Garden Tour: Bar Harbor Garden ClubDescription
The Bar Harbor Garden Club invites you to tour six beautiful gardens in Bar Harbor on Mount Desert Island from 10 AM to 4 PM on July 15, 2023. Enjoy stunning borders of colorful perennials and annuals and sweeping views of gardens stretching down to the sea. Learn how to take advantage of shade with ferns, mosses, and groundcovers and see gardens imaginatively shaped through the creative use of paths, stone walls, and containers. Tickets are $40 at https://www.
barharborgardenclub.org/2023- garden-tour-overview/ and $45 the day of the tour. The ticket price includes free parking and shuttle service among the six gardens. Tour proceeds support protecting and preserving natural resources and contributing responsibly to civic and environmental needs. Tell a Friend
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