Sunday Oct 15, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
October 15th at 9 AM
Meetup TBA
$20/members, $25/general
Emily Cough
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Join the Bar Harbor Historical Society (BHHS) for their last Ramble of the season! Head to Ledgelawn Cemetery on October 15th at 9 AM as BHHS leads you on a private, guided tour of the cemetery. Come along with them to walk the grounds and learn about those buried there and their stories. Tickets for this Ramble are $20/members and $25/general. To become a member and snag the deal, please consider joining! Head to to become a member! For tickets to this Ramble, head over to:
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2 Cottage Street, Bar Harbor, ME 04609 – (207) 288-5103 –